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Posted by JesuSlaveX | Posted in Christianity, Marraige, Paganism, Wicca | Posted on 1:33 PM
The hardest part about writing a blog, is to continue to write in that blog. Its REALLY easy to just throw it off for a day. But, when you do that you begin to build things that you want to write about until eventually the next post becomes this massive thing. I'm at that point this very moment. So sorry if this seems a bit wordy.
While I was at the office, one of our clients drive a VERY expensive car. His wife drove it in and was experiencing some transmission issues and it had to be towed. Now, this person is filthy stinking rich, to the tune of this vehicle costing $100K and he didn't even bat an eyelash about it. For all my life I would dislike a person like that. I would accuse him of flaunting his wealth and pushing it in my face. How dare he even drive that car in public while there are people in this world who are really struggling. But this is the view of the class war. The Have's and the Have not's. All of my life I have been one of the Have not's. But now its an ok thing. I'm happy in my financial bracket. This isnt to say that I want to stay here, but for now it works. As we age, our concept of "A lot of money" changes with it. When I was a kid, my dad would give me $5 in quarters to go down to the gas station and play Double Dragon. It was a TON of money that allowed me to play for hours! But in perspective, thats really not a lot. In fact, $5k really isnt a lot on the larger scope of things. In this mans perspective, $100K is the same to my $5 when I was a kid, all about perspective. For the first time ever, I didnt judge him because he was rich. I judged him on his heart, and he's a pretty good guy. I just didnt know until I stopped disliking him........maybe he'll hook me up with a high paying job in the Caribbeans. Here's to hope
I've always made myself a martyr for something. In my previous christian walk, I was taught that I had to suffer for my faith. That somehow if we suffered enough, whether it be from fasting or denying yourself a particular object that you've wanted, that you will win favor with God for your sacrifice, mimicking the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross. But by Christian theology, God doesnt want us to suffer, he did it for us. This is why I dont understand Evangelicals today. For some reason they seem to think that denying themselves something perfectly legitimate and non-sinful will bring the closer to God. Biblically, Christians are supposed to live life in abundance, yet are called to seperate themselves of this world. Thats the true quandary for me. The Bible says that sin is the breaking point for communication to God, that sin covers us and effects our ability to hear his voice, yet, we are born in to it. So, ultimately, none of us can truly hear the voice of God. But, this is where Jesus comes in to play, yet they dont live by his words. He told us to go into the world and preach the good news of Christ, yet said to turn away from worldly things. Many people do this at the cost of the person that their ministering to and their own happiness. I remember a time when I was on the worship team a few years in to my service. A young man was standing away from the Church having a smoke, not bothering anyone and not close enough for anyone to be effected by it. All anyone in the church could say was negativity towards him, that he should be doing that here, almost as if none of them had any addictions that they were fighting through. Me, after hearing the venom that was dripping from their gluttonous little mouths went to the guy and bummed a smoke off him. We talked for about 10 minutes. He was really cool and going through some pretty hard problems that I helped him talk out. Everyone kind of looked at me funny after that.
So heres my point with all that, getting back on track. Denying yourself something that doesnt effect your christian walk or is labeled sinful by your own personal law is hypocritical. For many years, as I stated before, I denied myself some pretty big things because I thought I was supposed to to be a good Christian. The breaking moment for me is when my weed eater was stolen off my front porch. This really burned me up and I wrote a letter to our local paper, just dripping with sarcasm about it.
To the guy who stole my weed eater off the porch. I must say that I was a bit shocked as I left my house that morning and noticing that my weed eater was missing. I checked out the local pawn shops and filled a police report as anyone was supposed to do. Needless to say, I was a bit perturbed. Even more so perturbed that you had also stolen the mix can off of my porch as well a week or two later. I’m a man of simple pleasures. All I wanted on my 30th birthday was a weed eater. I just wanted to cut my small lawn, be left alone, and be 30. It’s important that my home be warm for my stay at home wife and 2 kids (in which my 1 ½ year old has never slept through the night and my type-1 diabetic 4 year old who struggles with an incurable potentially deadly disease). All this time going through the same financial struggles that everyone else is going through. It seems as though I’m not going to be getting it back so I have a request of you. I ask you to please steal the line that you will eventually be in another week anyway. I wouldn’t want my weed eater’s career in the lawn maintenance industry to be but a shattered dream. It will be sitting on my porch, and I’ll even leave the light on for you. We wouldn’t want you do deal with the agony of stubbing your toe in the dark.
I had a woman track down my phone number and give me a call early the morning it was published and offered to buy me a weed eater. I didnt know how to handle the situation. I turned it down because I was able to borrow my Dad's trimmer at any time and I didnt want to put the lady out. about 30 seconds after I hung up the phone, I regretted it. How often to great things come our way in life that we miss out on due to our misconceptions. This person was GLAD to do it, and felt compelled to. I not only robbed myself of resolving an issue, but I robbed her of feeling good about a generous act. Kind of a foolish thing to do when you think about it. But good fortune came why way and I took it this time. A client of may father's stopped him in a local hardware store and told him that he read my article and commented on how much he liked it. He gave a weed eater to my dad to give to me just because he "had a spare lying around". This spare was loads better than what was stolen from me. And I decided to let good things happen to me and I took it. God I love that trimmer, its a tank. And I now have the new perspective on life. I MUST allow good things to come my way and accept them at that moment. I refuse to set myself up as a martyr for a cause that I'm not even aware of that will deprive me of good things. Isnt that what God wants anyway? Christian or otherwise?
Even funnier, is that my old pastor (still not aware that I'm a Wiccan) spoke to me about it, asked me if I had gotten a new trimmer, and that he liked the letter I wrote in. I told him no, and he didnt even attempt to try to help me out with it. I know you may view this as a selfish expectation to put on him, but theres a history there that I'll get in to another time that made that emotion perfectly legitimate. Amazing to me that a man who is willing to give so much to those who he doesnt know would be willing to not give to one of his close friends in need. Seems as though he should be worrying more about his current flock leaving in droves more than his potential new flock getting false expectations. A bit harsh I know, but like I said, I'll get in to that history at a later time.
While I was at the office, one of our clients drive a VERY expensive car. His wife drove it in and was experiencing some transmission issues and it had to be towed. Now, this person is filthy stinking rich, to the tune of this vehicle costing $100K and he didn't even bat an eyelash about it. For all my life I would dislike a person like that. I would accuse him of flaunting his wealth and pushing it in my face. How dare he even drive that car in public while there are people in this world who are really struggling. But this is the view of the class war. The Have's and the Have not's. All of my life I have been one of the Have not's. But now its an ok thing. I'm happy in my financial bracket. This isnt to say that I want to stay here, but for now it works. As we age, our concept of "A lot of money" changes with it. When I was a kid, my dad would give me $5 in quarters to go down to the gas station and play Double Dragon. It was a TON of money that allowed me to play for hours! But in perspective, thats really not a lot. In fact, $5k really isnt a lot on the larger scope of things. In this mans perspective, $100K is the same to my $5 when I was a kid, all about perspective. For the first time ever, I didnt judge him because he was rich. I judged him on his heart, and he's a pretty good guy. I just didnt know until I stopped disliking him........maybe he'll hook me up with a high paying job in the Caribbeans. Here's to hope
I've always made myself a martyr for something. In my previous christian walk, I was taught that I had to suffer for my faith. That somehow if we suffered enough, whether it be from fasting or denying yourself a particular object that you've wanted, that you will win favor with God for your sacrifice, mimicking the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross. But by Christian theology, God doesnt want us to suffer, he did it for us. This is why I dont understand Evangelicals today. For some reason they seem to think that denying themselves something perfectly legitimate and non-sinful will bring the closer to God. Biblically, Christians are supposed to live life in abundance, yet are called to seperate themselves of this world. Thats the true quandary for me. The Bible says that sin is the breaking point for communication to God, that sin covers us and effects our ability to hear his voice, yet, we are born in to it. So, ultimately, none of us can truly hear the voice of God. But, this is where Jesus comes in to play, yet they dont live by his words. He told us to go into the world and preach the good news of Christ, yet said to turn away from worldly things. Many people do this at the cost of the person that their ministering to and their own happiness. I remember a time when I was on the worship team a few years in to my service. A young man was standing away from the Church having a smoke, not bothering anyone and not close enough for anyone to be effected by it. All anyone in the church could say was negativity towards him, that he should be doing that here, almost as if none of them had any addictions that they were fighting through. Me, after hearing the venom that was dripping from their gluttonous little mouths went to the guy and bummed a smoke off him. We talked for about 10 minutes. He was really cool and going through some pretty hard problems that I helped him talk out. Everyone kind of looked at me funny after that.
So heres my point with all that, getting back on track. Denying yourself something that doesnt effect your christian walk or is labeled sinful by your own personal law is hypocritical. For many years, as I stated before, I denied myself some pretty big things because I thought I was supposed to to be a good Christian. The breaking moment for me is when my weed eater was stolen off my front porch. This really burned me up and I wrote a letter to our local paper, just dripping with sarcasm about it.
To the guy who stole my weed eater off the porch. I must say that I was a bit shocked as I left my house that morning and noticing that my weed eater was missing. I checked out the local pawn shops and filled a police report as anyone was supposed to do. Needless to say, I was a bit perturbed. Even more so perturbed that you had also stolen the mix can off of my porch as well a week or two later. I’m a man of simple pleasures. All I wanted on my 30th birthday was a weed eater. I just wanted to cut my small lawn, be left alone, and be 30. It’s important that my home be warm for my stay at home wife and 2 kids (in which my 1 ½ year old has never slept through the night and my type-1 diabetic 4 year old who struggles with an incurable potentially deadly disease). All this time going through the same financial struggles that everyone else is going through. It seems as though I’m not going to be getting it back so I have a request of you. I ask you to please steal the line that you will eventually be in another week anyway. I wouldn’t want my weed eater’s career in the lawn maintenance industry to be but a shattered dream. It will be sitting on my porch, and I’ll even leave the light on for you. We wouldn’t want you do deal with the agony of stubbing your toe in the dark.
I had a woman track down my phone number and give me a call early the morning it was published and offered to buy me a weed eater. I didnt know how to handle the situation. I turned it down because I was able to borrow my Dad's trimmer at any time and I didnt want to put the lady out. about 30 seconds after I hung up the phone, I regretted it. How often to great things come our way in life that we miss out on due to our misconceptions. This person was GLAD to do it, and felt compelled to. I not only robbed myself of resolving an issue, but I robbed her of feeling good about a generous act. Kind of a foolish thing to do when you think about it. But good fortune came why way and I took it this time. A client of may father's stopped him in a local hardware store and told him that he read my article and commented on how much he liked it. He gave a weed eater to my dad to give to me just because he "had a spare lying around". This spare was loads better than what was stolen from me. And I decided to let good things happen to me and I took it. God I love that trimmer, its a tank. And I now have the new perspective on life. I MUST allow good things to come my way and accept them at that moment. I refuse to set myself up as a martyr for a cause that I'm not even aware of that will deprive me of good things. Isnt that what God wants anyway? Christian or otherwise?
Even funnier, is that my old pastor (still not aware that I'm a Wiccan) spoke to me about it, asked me if I had gotten a new trimmer, and that he liked the letter I wrote in. I told him no, and he didnt even attempt to try to help me out with it. I know you may view this as a selfish expectation to put on him, but theres a history there that I'll get in to another time that made that emotion perfectly legitimate. Amazing to me that a man who is willing to give so much to those who he doesnt know would be willing to not give to one of his close friends in need. Seems as though he should be worrying more about his current flock leaving in droves more than his potential new flock getting false expectations. A bit harsh I know, but like I said, I'll get in to that history at a later time.
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